Holistic Housecall Veterinary Service Lisa Hoberg DVM, CVA
As we are still in a Global Pandemic I will continue to wear a mask and socially distance as much as possible during house-call appointments. I am vaccinated (and boosted) and am aware that I can still contract and transmit COVID 19 variants. I request that you follow these guidelines including wearing a mask and social distancing as much as possible during in-house appointments.
Weather permitting seeing a pet outdoors, on a porch, garage or other well-ventilated structure will be welcome. I will be wearing and mask and social distancing.
ALSO: If we do schedule a home or even an outdoor visit, please notify me BEFORE I ARRIVE if any member of the human family is showing cold or flu-like symptoms, OR is self-quarantining due to possible coronavirus exposure and we will reschedule for a later date.